This year a number of the Beninca UK team have decided to step up and take part in Movember. The team will all be growing a moustache throughout November in a bid to help to raise awareness and stop men dying too young.

If you want to get involved or find out more information around Movember, click here.

Here’s our Beninca Mo Bro’s embarking on the challenge, looking fresh-faced and clean-shaven. We can’t wait to report back in time!

We welcome donations and in return may even be able to persuade certain team members to grow a specific style. We feel General Manager, Jamie Berry aka ‘THE BOSS’ would look great rocking ‘The Trucker’ whilst Mark Crewe, Technical Manager aka ‘THE GRUMP’ could pull off ‘The After Eight’ quite well.

Please remember ‘Your dough will save a bro’ so any donations will be appreciated for such a fantastic charity!